Welcome to this website of the Tax Constella project of Lalit + Vishnu + Laxmi Patel for the
Metagraph Hackathon 2024. This project demonstrates how a government tax agency can conduct
registrations of taxpayers
by using Constellation Network's Hypergraph and metagraph technology. For more information,
please visit: DevPost
Submission, YouTube Video, and GitHub Repository.
The TaxRegistrationForm tab can be used by a tax agency to create a tax registration form or
a taxpayer to submit a tax registration form. This tab requires connection to a Stargazer
Wallet Extension in Google
Chrome. The GrafanaDashboard tab provides a Grafana dashboard with several
different charts. The SendDagDashboard tab provides a custom dashboard with a few important
reports and a web-form for sending a DAG amount to someone. The NodesReports tab provides
status reports of 3 examplary nodes. The Links tab leads to some knowledgebase articles. The
Contact tab
allows you to reach us through a form.
The links on all tabs except the Home and Links tabs might fail when our
server is down
for maintenance. If you Contact us regarding this, we will restart the server.